Monday, March 06, 2006

Bitey Update: Monday March 6th

Took the weekend off from writing just to try and get a grip. Things have settled into a routine that, while far from normal, is at least a routine.

The day after radiation, Bitey was once again able to feel his back paws. If you pinch his toe, he pulls away. Another small improvement: If you position Bitey in a sitting position, he is able to stay there for a while, rather than flop immediately over.

He seems to be handling the chemo and steroids fairly well, although I feel like Bitey doesn't drink enough liquids. He rejects water, and will only drink milk occasionally.

This past weekend, I practiced a new skill: bladder expression. It's not easy, you have to find the bladder with your hand, grip it firmly through skin, fat and muscle, and squeeze firmly in and upward and outward direction. It feels like a water balloon and can slip easily out of your grasp. But if you squeeze firmly enough, sure enough the pee comes out. Sometimes you get a bonus treat too.

We still have to take Bitey to the vet at least once a day, because I can't fully empty his bladder.

Bitey's next radiation treatment is Thursday. I still hope he'll walk again, even if only for a little while. But, be fully warned, the girl who put her cat in a doggy diaper is not above buying a kitty cart. I think Bitey would take well to wheels. He is definitely frustrated with his lack of speed.

So far we've been lucky. Since last Thursday, when I was off work, Bitey has always had company during the day. But tomorrow it will be just Bitey here all day. I'm definitely worried, because he needs to be moved during the day, flipped from side to side, so his bones don't cut through his skin. I hope he'll motivate on his own. Anyone want to come to my house and flip my cat like a pancake?