Friday, March 31, 2006

Bitey yard sale

Haven't written for a while...and this week's excuse is...

Last weekend was devoted entirely to planning and executing a fundraising yard sale for Bitey. Two of my cat loving friends from work who make up the Kitty Council came over on Sunday April 2nd with two full car loads of stuff.

It was of course the first day of daylight savings, so I got a late start, and the professional yard-salers were in my driveway picking through the jewelery and grabbing bag fulls of CDs.

Then people starting coming in two's and three's for the rest of the day, until about 2pm when traffic dropped off dramatically. I think that's the time that people start thinking about groceries and Sunday dinner.

The most amazing part was that all of my neighbors came by and bought something, all refusing change for their tens and twenties.

My friends also came by to see Bitey, who received visitors while wrapped in blanket on my bed. We've become so accustomed to seeing Bitey drag his behind around the house that I was suprised by their strong reaction to his new mode of transport.

We ended up making $340 which is a pretty good haul($20 of which went to a big pizza). An organized blogger would have taken pictures, but I, as you may have gleaned, am not so organized. So I'll leave you with a mental picture instead

Around 2pm as traffic began to slow, I wrapped Bitey in his blanket and brought him down the driveway to be the guest star of his own yard sale. He wasn't entirely comfortable so close to the street, and after a brief time struggled to get back to the house. I put him down on the driveway, grabbed his back legs, and ran, full speed, behind my cat who raced like a leopard back to the safety of the house. My friends were howling with laughter at the sight of me, bent full double trying to keep up with my speed demon cat.

I think Bitey was, while admittedly terrified, also exhilarated to be running that fast. I really need to get him a kitty cart...

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