Sunday, March 26, 2006

What Price Love?

Visit to local vet to find out if cat's back legs are hurt several days after fall from tree:

Deposit for Bitey's hospitalization and diagnosis at Kitty Surgical Center: $2,000

The balance for the rest of Bitey's diagnostic tests and hospital care at the Kitty Surgical Center:
$733.00 (See Invoice).

(FYI: The $2,733.00 total at the Kitty Surgical Center was discounted from $3,400 by the kindly doctor who cared for Bitey. I guess she knew what was coming.)

Cage and sick kitty care items at Petco:

First (and least expensive) visit to the lovely Orange County kitty neurologist: $79.00

Kitty MRI, including anesthesia, as ordered by lovely OC kitty neurologist, and performed by Kitty Medical Imagining Center (also in the OC):
$1,169.95 (See Invoice).

Re-check and first dose of Kitty Chemo at Orange County Neurologist's: $249.00

Consultation, chemo, and first radiation treatment (including anesthesia) from West LA Kitty Oncologist:

Another visit to Petco for wee-wee pads, kitty wipes, and kitty diapers:

2nd radiation treatment, chemo etc at West LA Oncologist:

Total costs for all hospitalization, bladder expression ($10 per squeeze), medication, and loving care at local vet's office for several weeks (and I'm almost positive there was a big "kitty pity" discount somewhere in here:

3rd radiation treatment and chemo at West LA Oncologist:

Bitey's stay at local vet while his parent's take brief pre-scheduled weekend vacation in San Diego for World Baseball Classic (and come home early b/c they miss their sick kitty:

Chemo, recheck and blood count at West LA Oncologist:

Re-Check, Blood Count, Kitty Chemo at West LA Oncologist:

So, without bothering to factor in gas prices all the drives to the O.C. and West LA, the grand total comes to:

(Drumroll please)


This Picture?

And This?

And This?


(Okay, has the priceless thing been done enough? Yes. But I charged this all to my Mastercard, so I earned it!)

Speaking of which, here are my favorite invoices:

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