Sunday, January 28, 2007

Jean Jean

Eds Note: I knew my boyfriend's parents passed the "future-in-law survivability test" long before they came to Los Angeles to visit. But their instant love of Bitey--and more importantly--his affection for them, sealed the deal. Here is a lovely poem by Matt's mom, who only got to meet Bitey once, but clearly understood him completely.


Scratching by the old back door
Faint meowing?
Across the floor from where I sit
Daylight fading, shadows falling.


There it is, again
I take a guess then, rush to look
A kitten, rather
Pink nose pressed against glass pane
Enormous eyes, beseeching, speaking
"Please, oh please, won't you take me in?
Some food, some warmth-- I'll be your friend-FOREVER"
( I read his mind)

I pause only briefly, then demand to know,
"Where is your home?"
Poor, mangy little waif- Are you all alone?"
No mother? No brother? No kith or kin?
Then, quicker than lightning, street kitty darts in
through a crack in the doorway,
just big enough for him.

Our eyes connect
He sniffs, taking in,
the wide expanse of "foreign land"
now his domain--I read his mind, again
(This must be a sign)

"This feels so right"
I nod and smile, reaching down
to carefully seal the deal
with a gentle stroke (of hand, not pen)

'He likes me' I say ,to myself and, to him
"Welcome home, little wanderer,
my newly found friend."

A familiar cat story?
Perhaps, but you see,
This "kitty" was loved by more than just me.
And the name? Bitey?
Well, it fit him just right
That's the way to get attention, under covers, at night
He liked to sneak food off your plate,(when not looking)
A cat with definite taste for home cooking.

He'd sleep on your head,
get a drink from the tap.
Chase bugs in the yard,
then zone out for a nap!

The best of the best;
Way back then you just knew
Not like the rest,
Here's to our Bitey-Boo...

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