Friday, February 22, 2008


Eds. Note: My fiancee (nee boyfriend) has a sister. When I met her for the first time I realized
I had officially won Sister-in-Law Powerball. Our too few subsequent meetings have confirmed this.

One of the many reasons I love her is that her dog Precious was to her and her b.f. as Bitey was to me and mine.

Yesterday, Precious passed away. In fact, after heroic levels of medical care, my future sister in law had to make the agonizing decision to put her to sleep.

Since my future sister in law is also one of the best, most effortless writers I know, I will let her tell the story in her own way, when she can. But in the meantime, she asked me to post this video with the following dedication.

Dedicated to My Ma, My Meatball, My LuLu, My Angel with Fur…

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