Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bitey Update: Thursday March 23rd

Bitey went to West LA today, presumably for his fourth dose of kitty radiation. But I got a call from the kitty radiologist who said that he didn't recommend giving the fourth dose.

He said that radiation had probably reached the limit of what it could do in terms of making Bitey walk again. "If it hasn't worked by now, it probably isn't going to."

It was hard to hear. Bitey has gotten progressively better after each radiology field trip. To have that taken away...

But Bitey will still get kitty chemo and kitty steroids, and the doctor suprised me by enthusiastically recommending the K-9 Kittycart. So this weekend, I'll attempt to take Bitey's measurements for the kitty cart. And believe me, there WILL be video.

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