Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Bitey Update: Wednesday March 22nd

Okay, so as a blogger, I am definitely lacking.

Since I last wrote, Bitey has had his third radiation treatment, and tomorrow will go to the kitty oncologist for his 4th and presumably final treatment. One the one hand, my wallet is profoundly grateful to be nearing the conclusion of this $400 dollar a week drain. However, Bitey has made such marked improvement after each treatment that I am sorry and scared to see it end.

After last week's treatment,the kitty oncologist called Bitey's progress "miraculous." Of course, he followed this by saying that this improvement is most likely a brief reprieve before the inevitable end.

It's hard to hear about the end, especially when Bitey is putting more and more weight on his back legs. When he is at the food bowl, you can arrange his back legs in a standing position, and he'll, for the most part, stay that way. He still lacks the strength to balance his rear end, so if you take your hand away completely he'll gently fall over to one side. However, if you keep just the slightest pressure on one side of his back end, he'll do all the work to hold up his rear.

Another positive sign: While Bitey cannot walk on his back legs, they do "twitch" often, and if he is dragging along the floor with his legs splayed out behind him, he can actually "twitch" his left leg into a better position.

On the negative side: He's getting nosebleeds. This is a classic Feline Leukemia Virus symptom, which means that whatever good the chemo and radiation are doing, it's not quite enough.

So we wait and see what tomorrow brings.

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