Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Goin' Mobile

On the mobility front, Bitey is still dragging, but he is more than happy to allow me to grab his hind legs like a wheelbarrow. This allows him to run around the house with ease and grace. I, on the other hand, am bent double, running around like a kitty sherpa.

I've tried wrapping the cat's rear in a long Hawaiian print scarf so that I can hold his rear upright without turning myself into a hunchback, but he ineveitably twists his way out of that.

I've also tried creating a "do it yourself" kitty cart with roller skates and a cardboard box. The results were, to say the least, predictable.

So, while wincing at the $275 dollar cost, I am seriously considering investinging in a proper "kitty cart."

K-9 Carts has an impressive looking device. I'd love to see Bitey tooling around the yard what looks like a mobile Pilates reformer. However, with the total Bitey tab closing in on $7000, and my credit score in freefall, I have to ask whether this is a wise investment for a cat with a life expectancy of four months. On the other hand, there is nothing more pathetic than watching your once active and graceful cat dragging his rear end around from door to door, looking longingly through the glass at the little universe he once ruled.

I do let Bitey out at least twice a day, at least long enough to chew on some grass and watch the birds. We have not yet encountered any of the neighborhood felines, for which Bitey and I are both grateful. I think he would be humiliated to be caught using his human as a transportation device.

You know of course that this sucker is totally going to be ordering a kitty cart, right? I just hope my future children enjoy community college.

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